If you can write your name you can learn to draw
Yes it's true. You can learn to draw and you don't have to have an extraordinary talent - it is simply a question of being taught how to do so.
Over twenty years ago Dr Betty Edwards developed a teaching method that would enable students to learn the five perceptual skills of drawing in as little as five days.
These five skills form the global skill of drawing and once learned, like learning to read or drive a car, they are learnt for life.
Once you have learned these skills you will be able to draw anything - portraits, cats, dogs, the human figure, landscapes, architecture, hands, feet, still lifes... the list is endless. The method is the same it is only the complexity of your subject and the media that varies.
Whether you are looking for a new hobby, or maybe you have always just wished you could learn to draw; you might be studying art or perhaps you are a painter and want to brush up your drawing skills or simply express your ideas more creatively. You might not have picked up a pencil since you were in school. Whatever the reason, learning drawing can boost your creativity and confidence.
for a full schedule of dates and locations
see Drawing Courses
Explore the site to:
- Find out more about Dr Edwards' theory on how your brain works and
how you can consciously access it to make it work more effectively for
- Experience the left vs right brain conflict that occurs by trying out a left vs right brain exercise developed by Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain Inc
- Read about Dr Edwards' tried and trusted methods and find out how the 5-day Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain®
course developed by Dr Edwards and Brian Bomeisler is structured.
- Read reviews and articles in the press and from personal blogs in What the Media Says
- Visit Course Feedback to read comments and course accounts by participants who have taken the 5-day Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain®
course with Anna Black, certified and licensed to teach Dr Edwards'
methods in the UK by Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain Inc.
- Sign up to receive new course dates as soon as they are announced.
- Discover how unique tools can help make all the difference when you are starting out. These tools are included in the Drawing Portfolio, designed and supplied by Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain Inc., which is part of the 5-day Drawing Course.
- Explore Drawing Resources to view works by Old Masters as well as more recent artists to inform and inspire your own work.
- Try some of our drawing Tips and Techniques

- Right Brain Drawing explained
- Right Brain Drawing is one of the most effective teaching methods for drawing ever developed
- A right brain left brain drawing exercise
- Try this! Experience right brain left brain conflict that causes a mental crunch
- Drawing courses in the UK using Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain methods
- Join a 5-day Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain drawing course at venues around the UK.
- Feedback from participants
- Find out participants' feedback: what they learned and thought of the 5-day Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain workshop taught by Anna Black
- Drawing tips, articles, suggestions and advice
- Drawing tips to help you put pencil (or pen) to paper
- Drawing resources to explore and inspire your work
- Explore online drawing resources with works by old masters and artists today to learn more about drawing and how to improve your own drawing.
- Drawing books for the beginning student as well as more advanced.
- Nothing takes the place of practising but good drawing books can help keep us on the right track with information on techniques and different media.
- Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain is a proven technique for teaching drawin
- What do students and the media think of right brain drawing and the 5-day drawing course devised by Betty Edwards. This workshop is now available in the UK.
- Drawing Matters is the monthly newsletter for right-brain drawing
- Find out the latest Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain course dates in the UK, plus drawing tips, recommended books and more in Drawing Matters
- Anna Black: Licensed Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain teacher
- Find out more about Anna Black and Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain courses in the UK.
- Contact us
- To find out more about our Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain courses in the UK contact us here
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- Find your way around the Learn to Draw Right site with by checking out the sitemap
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