Welcome to this month's newsletter - finally spring is here! I'm looking forward to the London course - just over a week away. All the 2010 classes are now full but there are waiting lists in case anyone drops out so do get in touch if you'd like to go on this - or be added to my mailing list so you hear about new dates as soon as they are announced. In this month's newsletter you will find:
- Information about the content 5-day Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain course, devised by Dr. Betty Edwards. This includes links for viewing a slideshow of participants' work and reading course feedback.
- UK Course Dates for 2010 and one in North Wales. Contact me to go on the waiting lists
- Drawing Eyes: Some things to consider when drawing eyes in a portrait
- Renaissance Drawigns in London A review of the new exhibition of Renaissance drawings which has just opened at the British Museum.
- We're on Facebook Learn to Draw Right now has a page on Facebook
- Drawing Matters Facebook Group has now been created so why not join it and keep in touch with fellow artists around the world...
If your computer only allows you to view a text only version of this newsletter you can see the colour version with colour images
I hope you will find Drawing Matters interesting and I'd love to hear any comments or suggestions from you. Please feel free to forward it to anyone who you think might be interested. There is a link at the bottom of the page where they can subscribe.
You can contact me here
Anna Black
Certified Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain instructor, operating under license from Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain (www.drawright.com)
Course Dates 2010
If you've always wanted to learn to draw, Dr. Betty Edwards' Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain 5-day intensive course is a proven technique for teaching drawing - particularly to those people who swear they could never be taught to draw! This course is taught in the UK by Anna Black, certified and licensed by Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain Inc.
CENTRAL LONDON: Monday May 3rd - Friday May 7th 2010 (9.30 to 5.30pm)
WHERE? Amadeus Centre, 50 Shirland Road, Little Venice W9 2JA (Nearest tube: Maida Vale (Bakerloo line))
HOW MUCH? £475
EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT £50 off Special price of £425 if you book and pay in full before 6th February 2010 |
Course fee includes:
- 35 Hours of teaching
- The Drawing Portfolio (RRP over £70).
The contents of the Drawing Portfolio were designed by Dr Betty Edwards and Brian Bomeisler. It includes all the materials you will need for the course, including drawing tools unique to Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain. These unique tools were developed by Brian Bomeisler based on those used by the Old Masters. The Portfolio and its contents are yours to take home and keep.
This course is now full. Please contact me if you'd like to go on a waiting list in case a place becomes available
Find out more here
I only supply the Portfolio as part of the 5-day drawing course but you can purchase it separately from Brian Bomeisler's website in the USA at
CENTRAL LONDON: Monday May 31st - Friday 4th June 2010 (9.30 to 5.30pm)
WHERE? Amadeus Centre, 50 Shirland Road, Little Venice W9 2JA (Nearest tube: Maida Vale (Bakerloo line))
HOW MUCH? £475
EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT £50 off Special price of £425 if you book and pay in full before 27th February 2010 |
Course fee includes:
- 35 Hours of teaching
- The Drawing Portfolio (RRP Over £70).
The contents of the Drawing Portfolio were designed by Dr Betty Edwards and Brian Bomeisler. It includes all the materials you will need for the course, including drawing tools unique to Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain. These unique tools were developed by Brian Bomeisler based on those used by the Old Masters. The Portfolio and its contents are yours to take home and keep.
This course is now full. Please contact me if you'd like to go on a waiting list in case a place becomes available
Find out more here
I only supply the Portfolio as part of the 5-day drawing course but you can purchase it separately from Brian Bomeisler's website in the USA at
NORTH WALES: Saturday 31st July - Thursday 5th August 2010 This course is residential
WHERE? Trigonos, Nantlle, North Wales (nearest train station is Bangor)
HOW MUCH? £475 plus accommodation and full board
EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT £50 off Special Course Fee price of £425 if you book and pay in full before 1st March 2010 |
Course fee includes:
- 35 Hours of teaching
- The Drawing Portfolio (RRP Over £70).
The contents of the Drawing Portfolio were designed by Dr Betty Edwards and Brian Bomeisler. It includes all the materials you will need for the course, including drawing tools unique to Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain. These unique tools were developed by Brian Bomeisler based on those used by the Old Masters. The Portfolio and its contents are yours to take home and keep.
- The Course Fee does not include accommodation or full board. There is an additional cost for this which varies depending on the room.
This course is now full. Please contact me if you'd like to go on a waiting list in case a place becomes available
Find out more and how to book here

If you are interested in purchasing the portfolio separately or for courses in the United States with Brian Bomeisler, follow the link at the bottom of the page.
If you would like to hear about new course dates in the UK as soon as they are announced please contact me to be added to the mailing list.
View a slideshow of student drawings and class photos
If you are interested in booking for next year but you are still sceptical that you will really learn the basic skills of drawing in just five days, why don't you view a slideshow showing some drawings done by participants on the course
here (a new window will open)
Read participants' feedback on the course devised by Dr Edwards and taught by Anna Black
"Excellent course that I will certainly recommend to friends! Learnt a lot over the week and really feel that I made some huge improvements."
You can also read some participant feedback and a more indepth account of one participant's experience
here (a new window will open)
To find out more about how the course is structured and what you will learn, click here
For further information and
a booking form, click here
Read what the media and other people have thought of Betty Edwards' Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain course
here ( a new window will open)
Drawing eyes often present difficulties for students. Culturally we have a strongly developed symbol for eyes which is difficult to overcome. We also attach an excessive amount of importance to the eyes – this is psychological rather than physical. Eyes are small and beady in relation to other features! Here are some key points to remember:
- Consider your pose. If the model’s head is tilted, the eye line will follow that tilt. A common mistake is to draw a tilted head but keep the eye line straight.
- If you are drawing a three-quarter pose you need to consider the rules of perspective as the top of the head, eyeline, base of nose, mouth line, and chin will all follow these rules even if it is quite subtle.
- Eyes are commonly positioned too high. If the pose is straight on the eyes will be positioned halfway between the chin and the top of the skull.
- Eyes are much smaller than you think! Check the width and height in relation to other features.
- As a rule of thumb there is the width of an eye between the two eyes (but do check against your model as this can vary slightly).
- The eyeball is like a gobstopper or marble. A sphere resting in the eye socket. When considering light and shade think about how light falls on a sphere and creates that sense of volume through light and shadow.
- When the eyes are open only a small portion of the eye will be visible. Draw the shape of what you can see not a preconceived symbol of an eye.
- Draw the shape of the ‘white’ of the eye on either side of the iris. The top and bottom of the iris are often obscured by the top and bottom lid.
- Avoid erasing out the whites of the eye so the are bright white. This will give a zombie-look. Think about the eyeball as a sphere and as the edges turn away they will be darker. The eyelids will also cast shadow on to the white of the eye.
- Avoid drawing single eyelashes. This is the quickest way to end up with a symbolic drawing of the eye. Eyelashes can be depicted as tone – and if you left them out no one would notice!
- Consider the shape of the eye and build up the shape with short straight lines to create the curves. This will help prevent you falling into the symbol trap and the architectural lines will give a stronger sense of structure to the eye.
- In the same way we often have one foot larger than the other our eyes are not necessarily exactly the same size – always check against the model.
Next month: The Ears
Renaissance Drawings in London
Just opened...
22 April to 25 July 2010 at the British Museum, London
This exhibition is a unique collaboration between the Uffizi in Florence and the British Museum.
Over 100 exquisite drawings by Italian Renaissance artists including Raphael, Leonardo, Michelangelo and Verrocchio among others will be on show. A rare opportunity indeed to see drawings from two major collections.
Find out more
Read a review of the exhibition from The Times newspaper
Visit Learn to Draw Right on Facebook
Visit Learn to Draw Right on Facebook
You can keep in touch by just becoming a Fan by clicking on the relevant button.
Also, there is now a DRAWING MATTERS FACEBOOK GROUP page you can join. This is interactive and like any group is only as good as its contributors so this is the place you can ask questions, answer other people's questions, share tips etc etc.
Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain USA
To find out about Betty Edwards' Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain courses run by Brian Bomeisler in the USA visit
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Anna Black
London, UK
Contact Anna here