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Cultivating the right mindset to learn to draw
January 05, 2025


I hope you are having a good weekend and easing yourself out of holiday mode.

Are you looking to do something different? In my last newsletter I shared the study about the different between an 'approach' and 'avoidance' mindset and how it impacts creativity. Learning any skill as an adult can be challenging but you can do a lot to help yourself by cultivating certain attidutdes. Find out more below.

Registration is now open for the 5-day workshop in London at the end of February and Scotland at the end of April.

If you'd like to give yourself your the gift of drawing, now's your chance!


  • Letting go of outcome Focus on process not outcome. The more you can be present and trust in the process and not worry about whether your drawing is good or looks like xyz the better it will be – and more enjoyable for you!

  • Curiosity Being curious about finding your way in a drawing activates the ‘approach’ mode of your brain. This mode of thinking is open and engaged and far more helpful in drawing than the ‘avoid’ mode of thinking which is what we are in when we are frustrated and negative about our drawing. Cultivate curiosity by asking yourself 'what if...'

  • Patience 'We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an act but a habit." I love this quote by Aristotle: Learning a new skills as an adult is hard – and SO rewarding! You’ve probably spent a lifetime focusing on what you are good at so it can feel uncomfortable learning something new. It takes time to practice skills and get comfortable with them so be patient with yourself. I think this is something adult learnings struggle with - particularly in today's 'instant results' world. Learning is an ongoing process but it's the learning where the rewards actually happen.

  • Trust in the processThe 5-day workshop has been developed by Dr Betty Edwards and her son, Brian Bomeisler. It has been honed over the years and has taught thousands of people to draw. It’s carefully structured to introduce and practise skills – building confidence as well as the skill of drawing.

  • Non-JudgingConstantly judging your progress and your work is counter-productive. All drawings go through what I call ‘an ugly duckling’ stage so it’s important to keep going and work things through rather than give up or start again. Giving yourself a hard time will keep you stuck in an avoidance rather than approach mode of mind. When you finish a drawing (or any artwork) it's important to focus on what you like and what your learned far more than what you don't like. Not every piece of work is going to turn out as you hope and that's okay. It's through the doing that you discover and learn.

    • 5-day Workshop

      In each 5-day workshop you will get:
      • 5 days of drawing
      • 35 hours of teaching
      • includes portfolio of drawing materials and unique Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain® tools to support your drawing (RSP £135)
      • Supportive and encouraging learning environment

      London (non-residential)

      FEBRUARY 2025 Monday 24th February to Friday 28th February 2025

      WHERE W2 (nearest tube Royal Oak/Bayswater, with Paddington and Queensway within walking distances.

      HOW MUCH Course fee £635 including portfolio (RRP £135)

      Scotland (residential)

      APRIL 2025 Saturday 26 April (check-in after 4pm) until Friday 2nd May (check out by 10am). The workshop begins Sunday 25th April to Thursday 1st May.

      WHERE Rowan House, Carrick Castle, Lochgoilhead PA24 8AF

      HOW MUCH Course fee £575 including portfolio (RRP £135) plus accommodation fee in B&B or self-catering apartment. Further details on request.

      If you would like further information and to book please reply to this email.

      If you would like further information and to book please reply to this email.


      You can contact Anna Black here

      Please feel free to forward this to anyone who you think might be interested. There is a link at the bottom of the page where they can subscribe.


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      Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain® USA

      If you are in the USA and want to find out about Betty Edwards' Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain® courses run by Brian Bomeisler in the USA and overseas visit

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      Anna Black
      London, UK

      Contact Anna here

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